Bring a basket of fried potatoes and mix them with herbs
Ingredients: Four large potatoes Two cups with fresh haché persil soup One cuillère filled with chicken soup or mashed green…

Four large potatoes
Two cups with fresh haché persil soup
One cuillère filled with chicken soup or mashed green onions
2 cuillères à soupe de maïs fécule
One coffee spoonful of salt (or to taste)
Half a cup of black pepper with coffee
Friture oil
Prepare the ground’s apples:
Mixing the ingredients:
Placer les pommes de terre râpées, le persil haché, les oignons verts (or ciboulettes), les fécules de maïs dans un great bol.
salt and pepper.
Make sure to thoroughly mix so all ingredients are evenly distributed.
Making the squares:
Spread the mixture of potato wedges on a flat surface or large plate, leaving about 1/4 of an inch in thickness.
Divide the aplati mixture into little carrés, about one piece on each side.
Frizzle the squares:
Heat the oil in a skillet or fry pan to 350°F (175°C).
Fry the potato carrés in batches for about two to three minutes on each side, or until they are tender and crisp.
Remove the fried squares and set them on absorbent paper to drain any excess oil.
Serve the warm, croustillant potato carrés as an accompaniment or as a collation.
Appreciate your delicious and crumbly potato carrés!
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